A Vision for Community Life Worship

If you do not currently attend the Community Room Worship Services then you may be surprised to know that every Sunday is a packed house. During the second service you will find a room where every single seat is occupied most Sundays. That is a fantastic problem to have but it is still a problem. If you want to bring a friend you had better get there early and reserve a seat for them. The first 2 Sundays in January we had over 250 people in the second service! To put that number into perspective for you, the Community Room has only 220 chairs. We would love to add more seating but the room is packed from front to back. So where did those extra 30 people sit? In the Gathering Room in overflow seating watching the service on a TV monitor. So to say that we are excited about additional space in the CLC is an understatement.


Once the CLC opens we will move our worship services into the gymnasium space. We will continue to hold worship services at both 9AM and 10:30AM. Lee Hartman is in the process of engineering a state of the art sound and lighting system with a curved video screen that is 35 feet wide and 9 feet tall. New technology is great but what we are really excited about is just having an open chair to invite our community to come and worship with us. To know that when we invite our friends, neighbors and co-workers that there will be not only a seat but a place for them within our church family.