Prayer is the Difference

"...Lord, teach us to pray,..."  Luke 11:1

Did you catch what the disciples asked for in this short passage from Luke? They didn't ask for coaching and instruction on how to preach, heal or disciple. They asked Jesus to teach them to pray. When we change the way we pray, it changes everything...the way we work, parent, relate and lead. It changes our priorities and it changes how we think, feel, act and speak. Prayer changes everything! 

I am picturing a dear lady in Alabama that I have known since I was 12 or 13 years old. I roomed with one of her sons when I was in college. She looked after me and made sure I was fed when I was in flight school and she helped Kim and I get settled as newlyweds. What I remember most about Yoshiko is how she prayed. She prayed with such humility and gentleness that it was clear she had a close and abiding relationship with her heavenly father. She poured out her heart for her family, for our church, for the lost and for her family in Japan. I hope to someday pray as she did! 

Mark Batterson sums up this passage by writing, "Prayer is the difference between appointments and divine appointments. Prayer is the difference between good ideas and God ideas. Prayer is the difference between the favor of God and the luck of the draw. Prayer is the difference between closed doors and open doors. Prayer is the difference between the possible and the impossible. Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best that God can do.

As we step forward to claim Bonsack's Community Life Center for Him, pray that God won't just show up but pray that He will show off!  We serve an awesome God!